Emory word mark

Earlier this year, you spoke with one of our Telefund student callers about how you could help current students by making a gift to the Emory Annual Fund. During your conversation you generously offered your support with a pledge of %%Amount%%. We were very pleased to know that we could count on you this year, and we greatly appreciate your support. As of %%Pledge Date%%, our records show that we have not received payment on your pledge.

Perhaps this reminder and your gift have crossed in the mail, in which case you have our sincere thanks. On the other hand, if you’ve forgotten or just haven’t gotten around to it yet, we would like to send this gentle reminder that fulfilling your commitment is easy! You may make your gift by credit card, check, money order, electronic funds transfer, or online via our secure website. By using your Visa, MasterCard or American Express to pay your pledge online, you can take advantage of any bonus plans your credit card company might offer (such as frequent flyer miles).

By crossing this off your Things to Do List and making your payment today, you’ll minimize the cost of repetitive “reminder” mailings and maximize the potential of your gift by putting your funds to work right away.

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