It just feels good. Giving back is its own reward. Giving to the 834 Club at Emory feels even better, with its low monthly cost and automated process. Less hassle, higher impact, and your gift gets put to work immediately supporting the designation of your choice and making a difference instantly. It’s an investment in the future. This may sound a little vague, but it’s completely true. Supporting Emory through the 834 Club allows you to further bolster the quality of education Emory provides, strengthening the power of your own degree while simultaneously enhancing the Emory experience for current students—future leaders like you. A stronger today at Emory means a brighter tomorrow for everyone.


Because you can. It’s the same reason to climb the highest mountain, to excel in your field, or to acquire an education. If we are what we do, then giving back makes us all stewards of our past and architects of our shared future. With a small gift of $8.34 (or any number ending in 8.34, like $28.34, $58.34, $108.34) per month, you’re joining countless others who have made the same commitment.